pro­ject mee­ting in Maars­sen / the Ne­t­her­lands 12.05.2014 – 17.05.2014

Our stu­dents from the Rats­gym­na­si­um work­ed tog­e­ther wi­th other stu­dents from Fin­land, Gre­at Bri­tain, the Ne­t­her­lands and, as guests, Spain on the to­pic “Youth Cul­tu­re“.

We pre­sen­ted the to­pic “Youth and smart­phones” on a cat­walk show, but al­so ex­pe­ri­en­ced what it feels li­ke to be a DJ or how to crea­te graf­fi­ti art.

150 150 Ratsgymnasium Osnabrück